Captiv8 Supply: On August 21, 2017, millions of Americans will be able to witness the moon passing between the Earth and Sun in a total eclipse. This event will block all of the sun, essentially turning the day into night. This solar eclipse will be the first of its kind in the United States in over 38 years! It will be a must see event, but viewers must wear eclipse glasses for a safe viewing experience. It is estimated that nearly 100 million people in the United States will view a portion of the solar eclipse, making it the highest viewed eclipse ever.
Check out these Solar eclipse glasses – These glasses provide safety while viewing the eclipse. Eclipse glasses block out 100% of harmful ultra-violet rays, 100% of infrared, and 99.999% of intense visible light, protecting your eyes and letting you view the spectacular sight. Eclipse viewing glasses provide a solar image in a natural orange color. It is important that solar eclipse glasses offer the highest levels of protection as most other products and do-it-yourself designs do not fully defend from the harmful rays. These eclipse shades include instructions printed directly on the frames to remind users to wear them during all portions of the eclipse for eye protection.
These glasses are perfect for sales and premiums at schools/colleges, planetariums, science centers, retailers and more. Customize your eclipse glasses with your brand’s logo or message to create an unforgettable item that will assist the user in fully seeing one of Earth’s greatest phenomenons. Call us to get your design started ASAP!