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CIE Now Using Sutton Lucite to Make History!

CIE Now Using Sutton Lucite to Make History!

CIE, Central Indiana Ethanol, a facility located in Marion, Indiana, is becoming a leading manufacturer of integrated alcohol, industrial oil, high spec CO2, and premium feed. CIE stands out from any other facilities due to their sustainable platform and green/natural processes. Since 2007, they’ve been abiding by their daily promise to customers, which is “passionately approach each day to deliver creative solutions for a more sustainable tomorrow”.  In March 2014, CIE constructed a new distillery to advance their sustainable production and increase their area of focus on creating products without any ethical conflicts. The CIE distillery focuses on reducing CO2 outputs (emission), finding an alternative to landfills (recycling), reducing the amount of gallons of water needed for production, and to improve energy use by reducing natural gas usage within the distillery. With the major dependence the U.S. economy has on alcohol and oil production, CIE makes it possible to reduce our dependence on OPEC and other foreign oil exporters in order to allow more Americans to have jobs, reduce taxes, reduce U.S. trade deficit, and to begin using renewable alcohol as a reducing tool for harmful greenhouse gases. In honor to credit all these accomplishments and to highlight the upcoming advancements of the new distillery, Captiv8 worked hand in hand with CIE to create this masterpiece to showcase the newly constructed distillery. Captiv8 and CIE had to wait for the construction to complete and for all the scaffolding to be removed in order to capture a perfect image to display on the Sutton Lucite. With the transparent thermoplastic, CIE gratefully honors the participants in the construction of the distillery. Contact Captiv8 if you’d like your company’s achievements to be prestigiously displayed so as your company advances, you’ll be able to look back to where your achievements began.