A Caxixi is defined as the following by it’s makers:
The traditional Caxixi is a unique instrument, made entirely of natural, non-endangered materials, that produce organic sounds which add color and good spirits to your set. You can play it soft or loud and enlarge the possibilities of different rhythms as far as your creativity goes. Our goal was to create a Caxixi which could be mass produced and made in a variety of colors needed to represent the countries of the participating teams of the World Cup, and which could connect the rest of the world to the Brazilian rhythms of which it’s known for. During the development of the Caxixi we have put a lot of effort in creating a similar ‘open body’ structure as the traditional Caxixi so that the sound created by the balls inside the basket could travel outside in the most natural way creating an fantastic clear and bright sound similar to the traditional Caxixi.
This modern Caxixi is now available for customization and multiple uses rather than just a World Cup noisemaker. You can bring this to a baseball game, a football game, or even a party and there will always be that one person to approach you asking where you got that unique noisemaker from/what brand is being promoted. Contact Captiv8 today for your bulk order of Caxixis, a newer and more improved way to show your fan-spirit!