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#CreatedByCaptiv8: TV Guide Magazine T-Shirts for the San Diego Comic Con

#CreatedByCaptiv8: TV Guide Magazine T-Shirts for the San Diego Comic Con

Captiv8 Supply: We worked with TV Guide Magazine to create these custom t-shirts for them to wear at the San Diego Comic Con this past week. On the front, their logo along with TV Insider and Nintendo were imprinted on the top left and right corners of the t-shirt. On the back, we were able to digitally imprint their complex designs in full color, which highlighted the specific details of each design perfectly. Thousands of people attend Comic Con, so we were so happy to help TV Guide Magazine create a t-shirt that stood out amongst the crowd. 

Kristin is the Marketing Manager at Captiv8 Promotions. She's constantly keeping an eye out for the latest trends & newest products to share with Captiv8's community!