Rainy days can be a drag, but with this cool and creative umbrella, you can make those rainy days a little brighter!
This umbrella looks like your typical black umbrella with a wooden handle, but on the inside is a sunny mural of New York City that will make that dull day a little more radiant. All you have to do is push a button and watch this umbrella mural come to life.
These umbrellas are just the right size and shape to keep you completely dry, they are sturdy enough to withstand winds so you won’t fly away like Mary Poppins, and you can customize the handle to give it a personal touch. So whether you want to give them to your employees as a company gift or give them away as a gift with purchase at your store, you can do that! We’ll add your company name and/or logo to the handle so you can have an umbrella that will change that gloomy day to a better and brighter one.