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Say Hello To The Savior Of The Summer. Introducing The: DRINK-A-LINK

Say Hello To The Savior Of The Summer. Introducing The: DRINK-A-LINK

Captiv8 Supply: How in the world is anyone supposed to know how far apart to be from each other? Can anyone truly calculate 6 ft in their head?! Guess what, now you don’t have to!

Can holders have always been a staple item for giveaways, social gatherings, & much more; a part of bringing people together. The Drink-A-Link helps people come together while keeping the appropriate distance. You add your imprint, then choose your thread, hardware, & webbing color for a perfectly custom crowd control tool for your next event.

Kristin is the Marketing Manager at Captiv8 Promotions. She's constantly keeping an eye out for the latest trends & newest products to share with Captiv8's community!