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So Yummy You Get to Eat the Cup Too!

So Yummy You Get to Eat the Cup Too!

Chelsea Briganti and Leigh Ann Tucker are two woman who go along perfectly with the healthy eating trend taking over. They started this company called Loliware; they created these disposable edible cups that not only benefit the environment but also your health. Along with the prevention of increasing the current statistic of 25 billion cups being thrown away per year, the cups are a great asset to that diet you told yourself you were on last week. The cups are made from seaweed, organic sweeteners and flavors and colors derived from fruits and vegetables, and it’s 100% all natural, non-GMO, gelatin-free, gluten-free, plastic-free, BPA-free, non-toxic, and FDA approved. The cups come in six different flavors: Yuzu citrus, tart cherry, Matcha green tea, vanilla bean and an unflavored clear.

Captiv8 can now customize the innovative and fun cups for your event. If you’re going for a promotional product that will stand out from the rest, this is it. Just like an edible custom cookie, this edible custom cup can be used the same way. Let Captiv8 in on your ideas!